I Think I Love You

Week Forty Eight: Do We Need a Sex Therapist?

Episode Summary

Riley and I break down a particularly painful experience that took place the night before, which forced us to address the current state of our sex life.

Episode Notes

Talking about sex is really hard in any given situation, let alone when it's with your life partner and you're both speaking into a literal megaphone about your perceived failures as a couple. In this conversation, Riley and I hit on pretty much every pain point I could personally think of, when it comes to our shared intimacy: his perception of not feeling wanted by me, my perception of the world viewing me as a terrible wife, and the broader cultural norms that we both have to wade through every damn day, which tend to prioritize Riley's pleasure over mine, and which are a real mind f*ck to dismantle in your own head, even when your partner is supportive as hell. 

On a personal level, I hope that this terrifyingly vulnerable conversation makes at least one other person feel a little bit less alone. Figuring out how to prioritize your own pleasure can often feel like an impossible battle, given what a challenge it can be to understand what makes your pleasure clock tick to begin with. 


Thanks as always to our wonderful family and friends who have helped along the way. Specifically, our muse @floriandelomme for his generosity in allowing us the use of his Tulum sunset in our cover art; @anka1027 for her knowledge of all things podcasting; her renaissance husband @gnarliehewson for our highly rad intro and outro music; and, of course, @mollylophotography and @edwardslater, whose empathy and talent are on display in every photo of our wedding (and could be for yours—message them directly or visit their website).