I Think I Love You

Trailer: I Think I Love You

Episode Summary

Falling in love with someone is easy. Staying in love with the same person, year after year, is much harder. That's why we're recording an hour of conversation every week of our first year of marriage. For us, it’s a way to dig into our fascination with one another and this existential question of lasting love. For you, it’s an invitation to creep on our marriage as it unfolds, mistake by mistake, lesson by lesson — since no one ever really told us about theirs. We’ll work through fights, expose probably too much of our sex life, and try to get to answers for how to stay in love in this little human experiment called I Think I Love You.

Episode Notes


Thanks as always to our wonderful family and friends who have helped along the way. Specifically, our muse @floriandelomme for his generosity in allowing us the use of his Tulum sunset in our cover art; @anka1027 for her knowledge of all things podcasting; her renaissance husband @gnarliehewson for our highly rad intro music; and, of course, @mollylophotography and @edwardslater, whose empathy and talent are on display in every photo of our wedding (and could be for yours—message them directly or visit their website).